Corona Virus Update for RMA

Hi RMA students and families.
We all understand that we are experiencing an unprecedented threat with the outbreak of COVID-19 (Corona Virus). Information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been varied and sometimes contradictory. Responses to this information has ranged from hysteria to denial.

As a Professional Martial Arts School, we take all Health and Safety matters seriously. We take advice and directives from official sources only. As always your safety and well-being is our number 1 priority. We also strive to protect the wider community especially those most vulnerable like the elderly and others with diminished immunity.

  • We, at RMA, are keeping a very close eye on the rapidly evolving Corona Virus crisis. Our response is, and will continue to be, what is deemed best for our students, their families and the community.
  • Most people are aware that the risk of infection here is very low. Also, because most of our students are younger, and in good physical condition, not only are the chances of catching it low, but the symptoms likely to be minimal. Nevertheless we have implemented some additional measures to stay on the safe side.
  • We already enforce a strict hygiene/cleaning policy:
  • Gis are to be washed and clean for every class
  • Mats, bathrooms, and public areas are disinfected and cleaned daily
  • Training equipment is cleaned daily
  • Never touch another person’s belongings.
  • Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing will be enforced.
  • Tissues are provided as always. Hands must be washed after blowing nose.
  • As is our policy, we enforce regular personal hygiene of all staff.
  • We will now pay attention to enforcing additional hand washing and sanitation measures for students and guests
  • We will include education sessions on preventing spread of infection (Corona virus) in each class
  • Including correct hand washing technique
  • We have introduced extra sanitising/washing stations
  • Notices ask members to wash hands with soap and water for 30 seconds or use hand sanitiser especially before and after class.
  • Any student (and/or family member) who is sick and/or displaying flu-like symptoms should stay home until they are better. We will be strictly enforcing this policy.
  • RMA will be reducing person on person ‘contact’:
  • We will be removing all high fives and handshakes in classes – instead we will revert to the traditional practice of bowing to each other.
  • RMA will be reducing our partner work
  • We will be temporarily limiting sparring, self-defence, BJJ & Wrestling or/and partner drills
  • Gradings – Those who were expecting to grade this week will be tested in class instead. This is a short term practice only and will revert to normal after the crisis has passed.

Students will still have plenty to do, with focus being redirected to basics, drills, pad work (pads are disinfected after every use), kata, flexibility training, strength training, balance training, weaponry, fitness work etc.
There are some Martial Arts Schools (overseas) who have needed to temporarily close down for a few weeks. Australia may very well need to do the same in the future. This may even be as close as a few days away.

As stated earlier, your safety is our prime concern. If the authorities advise to do so, we will suspend classes for a few weeks until the worst of the crisis has passed and it is safe to return to normal.

If it is necessary to suspended classes for a couple of weeks, we will make it up to you over the next twelve months. We are already arranging ways for you to train at home and stay motivated, just in case we do need to suspended classes, or a student needs to self-isolate.

  • Some options we are considering to help stop the sread of Corona virus include:
  • videos of lessons being taught in the Dojo
  • challenges for you at home (include your family if you like)
  • homework training sheets
  • feedback from instructors on videos you send us
  • short video on requirements for your next tag
  • Catch up sessions when classes return to normal

We ask you for your support in the tough times ahead, to make sure we are still have somewhere to train together and are still here to teach you when this is all over. Let’s look after each other and stick together to beat the germs!
In short, we are doing everything we can to ensure that classes are at the same high quality, and that students are not missing out on the fun, fitness and social interaction of Martial Arts.
In conclusion, we want everyone to make choices for themselves that they feel comfortable with in their lives. We will continue to do our part in keeping the school clean and sanitized as much as possible and educating all our students on practices that reduce the spread of illness. Our goal is to deliver the best martial arts classes and experiences to you and your family possible. If you have any questions, requests, or ideas to help us to that end, we’d be eager to hear from you, please do not hesitate to talk, call or email us, we would be more than happy to discuss further.

Kind regards,
Kyoshi Trevor & Kyoshi Julie

Stay Informed

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